Tenders Inviting Tender Notice for supply of Electric Generator (60KW-75KVA) for Chancery building - English

Inviting Tender Notice for supply of Electric Generator (60KW-75KVA) for Chancery building - English

Embassy of India




The Embassy of India invites financial bids from reputed companies for supply and installation of Electric Generator (60KW-75 KVA) at the address : Embassy of India, No. 10325, Avenida Federico Boyd, Bella Vista, Apdo 0823-05815 Panama City.

Scope of work

Supply and installation of Electric Generator (60KW-75KVA)

Supply of all additional required parts and cables.

Proper wiring to connect with all air conditioning units, lights and remote control gate

Specification of Goods : Specification of goods should be mentioned clearly in the submitted bids.

Terms of payment- 30% advance payment will be made on signing of the contract and balance will be paid after satisfactorily installation of Generator.

Warranty of Goods:- The company has to mention length of warranty periods of the goods in their bids.

Servicing contract : Cost of periodically maintenance/servicing contract should also be mentioned in the bids.

2. The premises may be inspected on all working days from 0930 hrs to 1500 hrs. Please call at 2642416/2643043 for fixing appointment for viewing the premises.

3. Bids may be sent in sealed covers addressed to “Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, No. 10325, Avenida Federico Boyd, Bella Vista, Panama City latest by 12th October 2018.


(Vinay K. Wadhwa)

Head of Chancery

E-mail- hoc.panama@mea.gov.in


Embassy of India


Subject : Purchase of one Electric Generator (60KW-75KVA) as stand by for supply of electricity in the Chancery building.

We have been facing acute problem of supply of electricity during the day in the Chancery building as the Mission does not have any stand by provision for supply of electricity in the event in disturbance of regular supply of electricity. The Panama has a tropical climate with almost 8 months rains and windy season. Owing to powerful wind and regular rain, disturbance of electricity supply is common in the City and sometimes it last long to 3-4 hours. In this situation, all officials including Ambassador requires to stand outside the building as the Chancery building does not have any ventilation system and interior offices become dark. It is pertinent to mention here that all the meetings and a number of official functions are being held in the Embassy in addition to regular consular services for which many visitors come to the Embassy every day. We had faced embarrassing situation at many times in the past particularly at the time of functions when supply of electricity had tripped for few hrs. It leaves wrong impression of the Embassy as well as Govt. of India.

2. Keeping in mind of above regular problem, it has been decided to purchase a one Electric Generator as stand by for supply of electricity in emergency. The cost of new Electric Generator and its installation will be around US25000/- to US$30000/-. As per GFR-2017, amount exceeding Rs. 2.5 lakh and upto Rs. 25 lakhs, tender should be invited.

3. In view of the above rule position, placed below is a draft ‘Notice Inviting Tender’ for procurement and installation of one Electric Generator for Chancery building. If approved, we may publish the draft ‘Notice Inviting Tender’ in Spanish in one of the local newspapers, CPP portal and Mission’s website.

Submitted for approval please.

(Amresh Kumar)

ASO(Admn & Estt)

07 September 2018




