Payment of Visa / Passport / Consular Fees Payment of Visa / Passport / Consular Fees

Payment of Visa / Passport / Consular Fees

Payment of Consular Fees

Embassy of India, Panama accredited to Costa Rica & Nicaragua

Important notice for payment of Consular fees

Given below is the country wise bank account information for depositing/transferring Passport/Visa/OCI and consular fee in respect of the applicants from Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Six Dutch islands viz. Curacao, Aruba, Sint Maarten, the Dutch Public bodies of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. Please note that personal cheques, company cheques would not be accepted. No cash payment either through courier or at the Embassy counter will be accepted under any circumstances.

  • For payments in US$ for applicants applying from Panama

(for depositing in the account of Embassy of India, Panama):

Bank Name: Banistmo S.A.

Bank Account No. 0100349761

Beneficiary: Embassy of India, Panama

Account Type: Cuenta Corriente

Bring/send original deposit slip with the application for Passport/Visa/OCI/consular services.

  • For payments in US$ for applicants applying from Costa Rica

Payments made by bank transfer:

Bank Name: Banco BAC San Jose

Account Number (US$ Account): CR22010200009458417164

Beneficiary: Embassy of India, Panama

Account Type: Cuenta Corriente

Bank Address: 1st Floor Terrazas Building, Roble Plaza, Escazu, Costa Rica.

Please submit original deposit slip with the requisite application form.

  • For payments in US$ for applicants applying from Nicaragua, and 6 Dutch Islands viz. Curacao, Aruba, Sint Maarten, the Dutch Public bodies of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba:”

Payments made by bank transfer:

Bank Name: Banistmo S.A.

Account Number (US$ Account): 0100349761

Beneficiary: Embassy of India, Panama

Beneficiary Address: No.10325, Avenida Federico Boyd, Bella Vista, Apdo. 0823- 05815,Panama City, Republic of Panama

Beneficiary Bank Address: Torre Banistmo, Calle 50, Panama City, Republic of Panama


Intermediary Bank: City Bank N.A.

Wall Street, New York City, 10005, USA

Swift Code: CITIUS33XXX

Routing No.: 021000089

Please submit original deposit slip with the requisite application form.

Note: Bank Banistmo generally deducts a sum of US Dollars 37.50/- as wire transfer charges for each transaction made by applicants applying outside of Panama. Wire transfer charges will have to be paid by the applicants in addition to the fee for required service.

For payments in US$ by Bank Draft:

Bank Draft for Consular Services should be in the name of Embassy of India, Panama. The draft should be for the net amount of fees. Bank commission/charge, if any, have to be paid by the applicants separately. Bank Banistmo generally deducts a sum of US Dollars 20/- as collection charges against each bank draft.

Note: The applications for Visa, Passport, OCI and any other Consular services should be submitted strictly within 03 months from the date of deposit/transfer of fee failing which the fee will lapse and no request for refund will be entertained. An applicant who submit application after 3 months from the date of deposit/transfer will have to make the pay.