36th International Geological Congress (IGC) 36th International Geological Congress (IGC)

36th International Geological Congress (IGC)

36th International Geological Congress (IGC) (from 2nd to 8th March,2020)

India with the support of its neighboring countries is hosting the prestigious 36th International Geological Congress (IGC) during 2-8 March, 2020 in NCR Delhi at India Exposition Mart Ltd. Greater Noida-201305.

Participants from Universities, Business Communities and Research Organizations are invited to participate in the above mentioned event. They are requested to visit event website www.36igc.org bulletfor detailed information. Regarding any quarries/clarifications participants may please contact Dr. Rasik Ravindra, Secretary General, 36th IGC, e-mail rasikr@36igc.org mobile No. 00 91 9999 518 129