Issuing of Pre Bid Clarification/Amendment and Extension 01 of EOI opening date in respect of tender/EOI no. EOI-01/2021-22 EI (P) TV Issuing of Pre Bid Clarification/Amendment and Extension 01 of EOI opening date in respect of tender/EOI no. EOI-01/2021-22 EI (P) TV

Issuing of Pre Bid Clarification/Amendment and Extension 01 of EOI opening date in respect of tender/EOI no. EOI-01/2021-22 EI (P) TV

Parsar Bharti's invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for a consultant to come up with a plan to launch a channel with an international presence. Please find herewith attached the Pre Bid Clarification/Amendment dated 08.07.2021 and Amendment dated 06.07.2021 regarding DSC (Digital signature certificate), which have been issued/uploaded in the instant EOI. It is also intimated that the EOI opening date in respect of tender has been extended.

Esigned DGDD letter 06-07-2021bullet

Esigned Extension dated 08-07-2021bullet

Amendment Clarification dated 08-07-2021bullet